Frequently asked questions:

Q: When is the Children’s Garden open, and is there any fee to enter it?
A: As part of Magnuson Park, the garden is open during all park open hours, which are generally from dawn to dusk. There is never any fee to enter the Children’s Garden, and all our public events are free too!
Q: Who takes care of the Children’s Garden?

A: In 2001, a team of volunteers called the Magnuson Children’s Garden Committee came together to lead a series of meetings with families and kids to design the garden, then to lead the community volunteers to build the garden. Each year since then, committee members have organized monthly volunteer events to maintain the garden, add new features, and host free public events. We are currently seeking additional members- could that be you?
During the past 20 years, there have been over 20,000 volunteer hours given to the Children’s Garden by past and current committee members, and wonderful community members. Simply put, the garden would not exist without this amazing volunteer time and energy! For more info, please visit our “Thank You” webpage!
The Magnuson Park grounds crew staff mows the Rolling Lawn, and the tree crew staff prunes the large trees along NE 74th St. as needed, but the day-to-day maintenance in the Children’s Garden is all done by volunteers.

Q: Who pays for the Children’s Garden tools and supplies, etc?
A: Magnuson Children’s Garden is an official WSU Extension/Master Gardener– sponsored garden, and receives a modest annual budget from the Master Gardener Foundation of King County for routine expenses and some of its special projects.
Magnuson Community Garden is the 501(c)3 non-profit “umbrella” organization for the Children’s Garden and the 5 other gardens in the 4-acre area behind the Magnuson Brig building, and can accept public donations on behalf of the Children’s Garden.
In addition, The Seattle Parks Foundation acts as the main fiscal sponsor for the Children’s Garden, maintains a donation webpage for the garden, helps it raise funds through the annual GiveBig WA and GivingTuesday events as well as from corporate donors, and enables it to apply to the City of Seattle for grants for special projects such as the double-sided mural and wheelchair-accessible crushed rock pathways that were built in 2021.
We are very grateful for the support of these wonderful organizations, and for donations of any amount from the public, which enables them to support the garden! For more information or to make a donation, please visit the organization links above, and our Sponsors & Partners webpage.
The Children’s Garden Committee has no paid staff.